Sunday, September 30, 2007

Memories are Everything

Memories are things that last a lifetime...or at least to me they do. I think memories are a very important thing to a person that could bring back amazing times in ones life. I am always finding myself looking my favorite times with my grandfather. I look at unbelievably happy memories to find a time when my grandfather was alive and well. As I look back at specific memories, for a split second I think my grandfather is still alive and with me. This is the brief joy I get out of memories and hope that I always will because the times I spent with my grandfather were terrific whether it was a good time or a bad time where lessons were learned.

Memories from when I was younger seem so wonderful and timeless. Looking back on times when I was young and seeing the person I was I enjoy thinking I still am that innocent shy little girl where trouble was never to be found and where problems of the world were no problems of mine. Though I obviously am not exactly the same as when I was a child, I still do find aspects that make me the same great person that I believe I am.

Memories are everything. They are everything I am now. They are everything I was then. They are everything the world is.

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