Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Christmas Story

Holiday films are the best! They always get you into the spirit of the holidays. The best holiday movies are the Christmas movies. They are always funny and entertaining. They also always seem to do with the havoc of Christmas shopping and so on or having to do with the peace, love, and care that comes into play after all of the havoc. Some classics and favorites are The Santa Claus series, Jingle All The Way, Home Alone series (some may disagree with the Home Alone series being a holiday film but I believe it is.),and plenty more familiar ones.

There is one Christmas film that my family and I enjoy ever year on Christmas Eve though there are a million favorites we could have chosen. The film is one we will continue to enjoy and this film is A Christmas Story. In this film there are just so many ridiculous things to laugh about. School kids get themselves in trouble and in the worse time of year during Christmas. There are hysterical parts that never get old, such as the kid getting his tongue stuck to a frozen pole or another kid getting wrapped up tightly in winter clothes from his mom that he looks like the Midas mascot(the big white puffy looking dude that looks like a combination of a marshmallow, a ghost and a mummy). This film just has a ton of nonsense that can be enjoyed by the whole family and this is part of one Christmas tradition that will hopefully always stay the same.

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